Week 3, October 22, 2012
Bible reading:
Duet. 9-12
Book of Joel
Psalms 23-33
Matt 8-10
1 Peter 1-3
orally to elementary student at breakfast, upper grade students read
on own and journalDuet. 9-12
Book of Joel
Psalms 23-33
Matt 8-10
1 Peter 1-3
Historical Focus and
Biblical teaching:
Deuteronomy Study with
Beth Moore ls. One Law of Love
(read ls. One article on
pg. 6-11)Wednesday evening as a family
dig in deep into Duet.
during your independent Bible time.
(create maps and charts
using internet, concordance, etc.)independent work
Memory Focus:
Introduce Deuteronomy 6:1-9 during
morning worship
(copy it in full into your binder and draw a picture or
write a journal about it)(Elem. Students copy verse 1 only and draw a picture)
Copy Work Focus:
Psalms 14-22
(take your time, do your best to get it in, but do not
push too fast that you make mistakes)copy time is from 9-10 am and 11 to noon, elementary students work with mom during this time
Focus on punctuation and capitalization. Remember it is
poetry and therefore, doesn't always follow the regular punctuation
and capitalization rules. Take time to read it out loud to yourself,
and try and make it flow like poetry. Maybe read it to each other,
pointing out to one another how to make it sound like poetry.
Independent work
Science Focus:
read lesson four of Zoology book 1: Flying creatures of
the fifth day.Independent work
Watch Moody Classics: Dust or Destiny
together in evening
(make notes in binder)
Missionary Focus:
Kisses from Katie read chapter 8
together at dinner (do research on Uganda, map it, find out about it's population, look for recent articles about it in the news.)
Independent work
Math Focus:
Basic Number Properties, and Number Baes intro.
Taught by Rachel afternoon
Wed., Thurs., and Fri.
Music study:
HSMA Monday nights
private lessons Tues afternoonpractice time in afternoon daily
Additional Studies:
Hebrew: daily mom and Tyler 1 pm
Bible w/ dad study of Isaiah 53 Tues and Thurs. evenings
family Work out (P.E.) Tues and Thur evenings with
Independent work outs as assigned by Rachel
Good News Club prep and practice prep
on Monday, practice on Tues,. Do on Weds afternoons